Source code for spype.core.wrap

Wrap class. Used to wrap tasks defined in pype processing lines.
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import Optional, Union, Mapping

from spype.constants import predicate_type, CALLBACK_NAMES, PYPE_FIXTURES
from spype.core import pype
from spype.core import task
from spype.core.sbase import _SpypeBase
from spype.exceptions import TaskReturnedNone, NoReturnAnnotation
from spype.types import valid_input
from spype.utils import (


# --- Callback Descriptor

class _CallbackDescriptor:
    """ A simple descriptor """

    def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        assert callable(value)

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return instance._callbacks[]

    def __delete__(self, instance):
        instance._callbacks[] = []

# ------------------------- Wrap class

[docs]class Wrap(_SpypeBase): """ Class to encapsulate a task. """ # wrap attributes that can be used to alter flow of data _wrap_funcs = ("iff", "fan", "agg", "partial", "fit", "compatible") # supported features _in_edge_labels = {"is_conditional", "is_aggregate"} _out_edge_labels = {"is_fan"} _fnames = {"predicate", "adapter", "aggregate_on", "dependencies"} _feature_names = frozenset(_in_edge_labels | _fnames | _out_edge_labels) # functions for modifying how wrap instances take or puts items on queue _after_task_funcs = None # functions for putting work on queue _before_task_funcs = None # functions for taking work from queue _predicates = None # no predicates unless iff is called # wrap level callbacks on_success = _CallbackDescriptor() on_failure = _CallbackDescriptor() on_finish = _CallbackDescriptor() on_start = _CallbackDescriptor() pype = None def __init__(self, task: "task.Task", **kwargs): # if a wrap is fed to init just strip out task if isinstance(task, Wrap): self.__dict__.update(task.__dict__) else: kwargs = dict(kwargs) self.task = task # a dict that stores features of wrap self.features = dict.fromkeys(self._feature_names) self.features["dependencies"] = [] # set callbacks on the wrap level self._callbacks = {cb_name: list() for cb_name in CALLBACK_NAMES} for callback in set(kwargs) & set(CALLBACK_NAMES): setattr(self, callback, kwargs.pop(callback)) # setup dependencies self.session_fixtures = {"wrap": self} # fixtures that dont change # dependencies that change for each object {param_name: task} self._partials = {} # functions that modify how objects are queued self._get_queue_func = None self._put_queue_func = None self.adapter = None # todo get rid of this assert not len(kwargs), f"{kwargs} are not supported arguments" def __repr__(self): return f"task wrap of {self.task}" def __call__(self, *args, _pype_fixtures=None, **kwargs): fixtures = MapProxy( { **(_pype_fixtures or EMPTY_PYPE_FIXTURES), **self._wrap_fixtures, **self._partials, } ) out = *args, **kwargs, _fixtures=fixtures, _callbacks=self._callbacks, _predicate=self._predicates, ) if out is None: raise TaskReturnedNone return args_kwargs(out, adapter=self.adapter) # # ---- supported operators def __or__(self, other): return pype.Pype(self) | other def __rshift__(self, other): return pype.Pype(self).__rshift__(other) def __lshift__(self, other): return pype.Pype(self).__lshift__(other) # --- methods for adding features to wraps
[docs] def partial(self, **kwargs) -> "Wrap": """ Set values for paramters. If this task does not receive all the required arguments the ones set with this function will be used. """ for item, val in kwargs.items(): if item not in self.signature.parameters: msg = ( f"{item} is not a valid paramter of {self.task_name}, " f"valid parameters are {set(self.signature.parameters)}" ) raise TypeError(msg) if isinstance(val, task.Task): # add task to list of dependencies self.features["dependencies"].append(val) self._partials[item] = val return self
par = partial # alias for lazy people like myself
[docs] def iff(self, predicate: Optional[predicate_type] = None) -> "Wrap": """ Register a condition that must be true for data to continue in pype. Parameters ---------- predicate A function that takes the same inputs as the task and returns a boolean. Returns ------- Wrap """ if predicate is not None: self.features["is_conditional"] = True self._predicates = predicate return self
[docs] def fan(self) -> "Wrap": """ Mark Wrap as fanning out. This will cause it to iterate output and queue one item at a time. """ self._before_task_funcs = _fan self.features["is_fan"] = True # TODO make function to strip sequence rather than disable type_check self.check_type = False return self
[docs] def agg(self, scope="object") -> "Wrap": """ Mark wrap as aggregating output from input tasks. This will store all outputs of previous task in a list then feed to this task when it is done. """ self._before_task_funcs = partial(_aggregate, scope=scope) self.features["is_aggregate"] = True return self
[docs] def fit(self, *args): """ Method to adapt order/name of the outputs. This is useful if the output order/name needs to be adjusted to work with the next Wrap in the Pype. Parameters ---------- args A sequence of ints/strings for mapping output into args and kwargs Returns ------- Wrap instance """ if len(args): self.features["adapter"] = args return self
# --- validation machinery
[docs] def compatible( self, other: Union["task.Task", "Wrap"], extra_params: Optional[Mapping] = None ) -> bool: """ Return True if self (current wrap) provides valid inputs for other. Parameters ---------- other Another task or wrap extra_params A mapping of extra parameters Returns ------- bool """ if isinstance(other, task.Task): other = other.wrap() # ensure we are working with a wrap if not isinstance(other, Wrap): return False adapter = self.features.get("adapter", None) try: args, kwargs = sig_to_args_kwargs(self.signature, adapter) except NoReturnAnnotation: # if there is no return annotation return True sig = other.signature check_type = self.check_type and other.check_type # check if raw inputs work, if not look in extra_params for args if valid_input(sig, *args, check_type=check_type, **kwargs): return True extra_params = extra_params or other._partials # else determine if any params should be provided by extra_params return _compatible_extra(sig, args, kwargs, extra_params, check_type)
@property def signature(self) -> inspect.Signature: """ return signature which indicates the arguments expected as input, excluding partials """ return self.task.get_signature() @property def _wrap_fixtures(self): """ return potential fixtures """ return {**self._partials, **self.session_fixtures} def _validate_callbacks(self): """ Raise TypeError if not all wrap and task callbacks are valid. """ for name in CALLBACK_NAMES: wrap_cbs = list(iterate(getattr(self, name, None))) task_cbs = list(iterate(getattr(self.task, name, None))) for cb in wrap_cbs + task_cbs: self.task.validate_callback(cb) # --- methods for controlling how data flow through wrap def _queue_up(self, inputs, _meta, que, sending_wrap=None, used_functions=None): """ Add this task onto que with given inputs. Normally this wrap and inputs are simply appended to the que, unless a special queue function is defined to allow custom behavior. """ # bail out early if nothing special needs to happen if not (sending_wrap._after_task_funcs or self._before_task_funcs): que.append((self, inputs)) return # get the functions that should be executed. If None do normal queue after_funcs = set(iterate(sending_wrap._after_task_funcs)) before_funcs = set(iterate(self._before_task_funcs)) used_funcs = set(used_functions) if used_functions else set() # if there are funcs to call after operating on data # current no after funcs should be un-used assert not (after_funcs - used_funcs) # if there are funcs to call before allowing task to operate on data if before_funcs - used_funcs: for func in before_funcs - used_funcs: func(self, inputs, _meta, que, sending_wrap, used_funcs) return que.append((self, inputs)) # else just do the normal thing def copy(self) -> "Wrap": return deepcopy(self) @property def task_name(self): """ return the short name of the wrapped task """ return function_or_class_name(self.task) @property def conditional_name(self): """ return the name of the predicate, else None """ return function_or_class_name(self.features["predicate"]) @property def _in_edge_lab(self) -> set: """ return a set of str that classify the type of edge leading to this task """ return {x for x in self._in_edge_labels if self.features[x]} @property def _out_edge_lab(self) -> set: """ return a set of labels for the type of edge leaving this task """ return {x for x in self._out_edge_labels if self.features[x]} def __str__(self): return str(self.signature)
# ----------- functions to control how data is put on the queue # def _iff(wrap: Wrap, inputs, _meta, que, sending_wrap=None, # used_functions=None): # """ # Function to ensure some condition(s) are true else dont put data on queue. # """ # for func in iterate(wrap.features['predicate']): # if not func(*inputs[0], **inputs[1]): # return # if a condition fails bail out # wrap._queue_up(inputs, _meta, que, sending_wrap, used_functions={_iff}) def _fan(wrap: Wrap, inputs, _meta, que, sending_wrap=None, used_functions=None): """ fan out the output of sending task """ for val in reversed(de_args_kwargs(*inputs)): wrap._queue_up( args_kwargs(val), _meta, que, sending_wrap, used_functions={_fan} ) def _aggregate( wrap: Wrap, inputs, _meta, que, sending_wrap=None, used_functions=None, scope="object", ): """ aggregate outputs coming from sending wrap to call on warp """ # determine if aggregation has taken place yet if not _meta[scope + "_scope_finished"]: # if not aggregate and exit _meta[scope + "_scope_map"][wrap] = sending_wrap puts = de_args_kwargs(*inputs) _meta[scope + "_aggregates"][sending_wrap].append(puts) return # -------------------- misc wrap functions def _compatible_extra(sig, args, kwargs, extra_params, check_type): """ Determine if args, kwargs are valid inputs to sig if supplemented with extra_params """ extra_params = extra_params or {} commons = set(sig.parameters) & set(extra_params) if not commons: return False # iterate over commons and pull out values or parameter annotations partials = {} for common in commons: new = extra_params[common] # need to extact type from task signature return value if isinstance(new, (task.Task, Wrap)): partials[common] = Wrap(new).signature.return_annotation else: # else this is the desired value, just get the type partials[common] = type(new) new_kwargs = partial_to_kwargs( None, *args, partial_dict=partials, signature=sig, **kwargs ) return valid_input(sig, check_type=check_type, **new_kwargs)