

spype can be installed using pip from pypi:

pip install spype

You can also clone the repo and run the setup.py.

clone https://github.com/d-chambers/spype
cd spype
pip install .

Defining tasks

Tasks define some simple or complex computation. They are most easily created by decorating python callables:

import spype

def add_two(num: int) -> int:
    return num + 2

def raise_two(num: int) -> int:
    return num ** 2

def divide_two(num: int) -> int:
    return num // 2

def multiply_two(num: int) -> int:
    return num * 2

def split_str(some_str: str) -> str:
    return some_str.split()

def add_together(num1, num2):
    return num1 + num2

Hooking tasks together

Tasks can be create by hooking tasks together using the | operator, starting with spype.pype_input.

pype = spype.pype_input | add_two | raise_two | divide_two

Now the pype is a simple callable we can call to push data through the tasks. We will also turn on the print_flow options so that each task will print the data it receives and sends.

spype.set_options(print_flow=True)  # print out flow of data
PypeInput got ((2,), {}) and returned (2,)
add_two got ((2,), {}) and returned 4
raise_two got ((4,), {}) and returned 16
divide_two got ((16,), {}) and returned 8

Plotting pypes

Pype instances can be visualized if you have graphviz installed.

pype2 = spype.pype_input | (add_two, raise_two, add_two) | (divide_two, multiply_two) | add_two
pype2.print_flow = True
PypeInput got ((0,), {}) and returned (0,)
add_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 2
divide_two got ((2,), {}) and returned 1
add_two got ((1,), {}) and returned 3
multiply_two got ((2,), {}) and returned 4
add_two got ((4,), {}) and returned 6
raise_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 0
divide_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 0
add_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 2
multiply_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 0
add_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 2
add_two got ((0,), {}) and returned 2
divide_two got ((2,), {}) and returned 1
add_two got ((1,), {}) and returned 3
multiply_two got ((2,), {}) and returned 4
add_two got ((4,), {}) and returned 6

Hooking pypes in series

pype3 = pype | pype2  # hook together in series

Hooking pypes in parallel

pype4 = pype & pype2  # hook together in parallel

Hooking pypes at any point

pype5 = pype2[raise_two] | pype

Checking compatibility

If you try to hook pypes together that do not have compatible input/outputs (assuming type hints are correct) an exception will be raised before pushing data through the pype.

pype = spype.pype_input | split_str | add_two

except Exception as e:
output of (some_str:str) -> str is not valid input to (num:int) -> int

Type checking

If an invalid input is given, an exception will be raised right away.

pype = spype.pype_input | split_str

except Exception as e:
PypeInput got ((2,), {}) and returned (2,)
(2,) and {} are not valid inputs for <function split_str at 0x7fe5cc11b268> which expects a signature of (some_str:str) -> str

The same thing happens if the task returns and incorrect type.

def str_to_int(obj: str) -> str:
    return int(obj)

pype = spype.pype_input | str_to_int

except TypeError as e:
    print(f'spype raise exception: {e}')

PypeInput got (('1',), {}) and returned ('1',)
str_to_int got (('1',), {}) and returned 1
spype raise exception: task: <function str_to_int at 0x7fe5cc14c950> returned: 1 which is not consistent with expected output type of: <class 'str'>

Constant dependencies

Input arguments for a task can come from the previous task, or can be set to a constant value using the partial method on the task, or the set_item method on the pype.

pype = spype.pype_input | add_together.partial(num1=1)
PypeInput got ((4,), {}) and returned (4,)
add_together got ((1, 4), {}) and returned 5
pype = spype.pype_input | add_together
pype['num1'] = 1
PypeInput got ((4,), {}) and returned (4,)
add_together got ((1, 4), {}) and returned 5

Task dependencies

Tasks can also depend on other resolvable tasks (not just the prior task in the graph).

pype = spype.pype_input | add_together.partial(num1=raise_two)
pype &= raise_two  # add raise to in parallel



The output of raise_two will be passed to add_togher as parameter num1.

PypeInput got ((2,), {}) and returned (2,)
raise_two got ((2,), {}) and returned 4
add_together got ((4, 2), {}) and returned 6

## Learning more

Spype has many other features, be sure to read through the tutorial.