Source code for spype.core.task

import abc
import copy
import inspect
from collections import ChainMap
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
from inspect import Signature
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Callable, Any, Mapping

import spype
from spype.constants import (
from spype.core import wrap
from spype.core.sbase import _SpypeBase
from spype.exceptions import UnresolvedDependency, ExitTask
from spype.types import valid_input, compatible_instance
from spype.utils import (

_fixtures = {**dict.fromkeys(PYPE_FIXTURES), **dict.fromkeys(WRAP_FIXTURES)}
EMPTY_FIXTURES = MapProxy(_fixtures)

# --------------------------- Auxiliary tasks

class _RunControl:
    """ A class to control executing callbacks in task's run method """

    _hard_exit = False

    def __init__(self, task: "Task", _fixtures, _callbacks, _predicates, args, kwargs):
        self.task = task
        # get fixtures passed in from wraps/pypes or use empty dicts
        _fixtures = _fixtures or EMPTY_FIXTURES
        self.meta = _fixtures.get("meta", {}) or {}  # meta dict from pype or {}
        # a proxy of outputs from previous tasks
        self.task_outputs = self.meta.get("outputs", {})
        # get a signature and determine if type checking should happen
        self.sig = task.get_signature()
        # get bound arguments raise Appropriate Exceptions if bad imputs
        self.bound = task._bind(self.sig, args, kwargs, _fixtures, self.task_outputs)
        # create a dictionary of possible fixtures callbacks can ask for
        self.control = dict(
            inputs=(args, kwargs),
        self.wrap_callbacks = _callbacks if _callbacks is not None else {}
        self.wrap_predicates = list(iterate(_predicates))
        self.fixtures = ChainMap(self.control, _fixtures)
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def _bind_and_run(self, func: Callable):


        with suppress(AttributeError):
            func = func.__func__
        signature = inspect.signature(func)  # callback signature
        expected = set(signature.parameters) & set(self.sig.parameters)
        if expected:  # callback needs parameter from args or kwargs
            _args, _kwargs = self.bound.args, self.bound.kwargs
            bound_args = self.sig.bind(*_args, *_kwargs).arguments
            kwargs = {item: bound_args[item] for item in expected}
            args = ()
            kwargs = self.bound.kwargs
            args = self.bound.args
        return apply_partial(func, partial_dict=self.fixtures, *args, **kwargs)

    def _run_callback(self, name: str):
        """ call the callbacks of type name. If a single callback is
        defined just call it, else iterate sequence and call each """
        if self._hard_exit:
        ex_callbacks = self.wrap_callbacks.get(name, [])
        task_callbacks = self.task.get_option(name)
        func = ex_callbacks + list(iterate(task_callbacks) or [])

        # set default raise if not on_failures are set
        if not func and name == "on_failure":
            func = raise_exception

        for callback in iterate(func):
            # run callback
                out = self._bind_and_run(callback)
            except ExitTask:
                self.final_output = None
                if out is not None:
                    self.final_output = out

    def run_predicates(self):
        """ run through each predicate and return None if not needed """
        task_predicates = list(iterate(self.task.get_option("predicate")))

        for pred in task_predicates + self.wrap_predicates:
            # if a predicate returns a falsy value, bail out of task
            if not self._hard_exit and not self._bind_and_run(pred):
                self.final_output = None

    # ---------- properties

    def output(self):
        return self.control["outputs"]

    def output(self, value):
        if not self._hard_exit:
            self.control["outputs"] = value

    def _final_output(self, value):
        assert not self._hard_exit, "hard exit should not be True yet"
        self._hard_exit = True
        self.control["outputs"] = value

    final_output = property(None, _final_output)

    # --- context manager

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        if exc_val is not None:
            self.control["e"] = exc_val
        return True  # this supresses raised exceptions

    def __call__(self):
        if not self._hard_exit:
            self.output = self.task(*self.bound.args, **self.bound.kwargs)

# ----------------------------- Task class

class _TaskMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
    """ meta class for Tasks """

    def __instancecheck__(self, instance):
        """ special check to see if instance is task-like """
        return hasattr(instance, "run") and callable(instance)

def _get_return_type(bound):
    """ based on bound signature get the expected return type, mainly
    this function is to account for typevars """
    # check if there are any typevars, swap these out for types bound
    out = list(iterate(bound.signature.return_annotation))

    if any([isinstance(x, TypeVar) for x in out]):
        # get the expected value for typevars by transversing signature

        params = bound.signature.parameters
        vals = bound.arguments
        new_types = {
            val.annotation: type(vals[item])
            for item, val in params.items()
            if isinstance(val.annotation, TypeVar)
        # swap out return annotations
        for num, value in enumerate(out):
            if value in new_types:
                out[num] = new_types[value]
        return tuple(out) if len(out) > 1 else out[0]

    return bound.signature.return_annotation

[docs]class Task(_SpypeBase, metaclass=_TaskMeta): """ An abstract class whose subclasses encapsulate a unit of work. """ # spype attributes signature: Optional[Signature] = None pype: Optional["Pype"] = None _decorator_task: bool = False supported_fixtures = FIXTURE_NAMES _is_task_wrap = False # if this is a function wraped with task _option_getter = _SpypeBase() def __init_subclass__(cls): # ensure a run method is defined if "__call__" not in cls.__dict__: # if not hasattr(cls, '__call__') or not callable( msg = f"{cls} must have a __call__ method defined" raise TypeError(msg) # ensure run method is not defined (this would get overwritten) if "run" in cls.__dict__: msg = f"{cls} defines a run method, this is not permitted" raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def get_signature(self) -> Signature: """ return signature of bound run method """ if self.signature is None: self.signature = spype.signature(self.__call__) return self.signature
[docs] def get_option(self, option: str) -> Any: """ Returns an option defined in self or defer to Task MRO. Parameters ---------- option A supported Spype option. See spype.options. """ try: return getattr(self, option) except AttributeError: # this happens when self is a function return getattr(Task, option)
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """ Return the name of task. """ return function_or_class_name(self)
[docs] def run( self, *args, _fixtures: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, _callbacks: Optional[Mapping[str, callback_type]] = None, _predicate: predicate_type = None, **kwargs, ): """ Call the task's __call__ and handle spype magic in the background. Run essentially performs the following steps: 1. Try to bind args and kwawrgs to the task signature 2. If bind raises, look for missing arguments in _fixtures 3. Rebind args and kwargs to signature with new args if needed 4. Run on_start callback, if defined 5. Run task call method (or function) 6. Run on_failure callback if defined and an exception was raised 7. Run on_success callback if defined and no exception was raised 8. Run on_finish callback, if defined 9. Return output of call method, or output of any callback if any non-None values were returned. Parameters ---------- _fixtures A dict of fixtures. Keys are parameters that might be used by callbacks and values are the values to substitute. _callbacks A dict of callbacks. Keys must be supported callback names (str) and values must be callables. _predicate A single function, or sequence of functions, that return a bool. Standard fixtures can be used, just like in callbacks. """ # control will control will handle callbacks and predicates control = _RunControl(self, _fixtures, _callbacks, _predicate, args, kwargs) # fixture out which type should be returned (accounts for generics) out_type = self._check_inputs(control.bound, *args, **kwargs) # run task and callbacks with control: control() # if printing is enabled print inputs/outputs if control.meta.get("print_flow"): inputs = (control.bound.args, control.bound.kwargs) name = self.get_name() print(f"{name} got {inputs} and returned {control.output}") return self._check_outputs(control.output, out_type)
# --- validators def _bind(self, signature, args, kwargs, fixtures, outputs): """ Bind args and kwargs to signature. If it fails, look for fixture that may satisfy binding. If it does not have a value yet, raise an UnresolvedDependency Exception. """ defaults = get_default_names(signature) _kwargs = {key: fixtures[key] for key in (defaults & set(fixtures))} try: bind = signature.bind(*args, **{**kwargs, **_kwargs}) except TypeError: # need to look for fixtures params = signature.parameters # determine if any unresolved dependencies exist and raise if so overlap_keys = set(params) & set(fixtures) # get values that should be given to parameters. values = {} for key in overlap_keys: if fixtures[key] in outputs: args_, kwargs_ = outputs[fixtures[key]] values[key] = de_args_kwargs(args_, kwargs_) else: if isinstance(fixtures[key], Task): raise UnresolvedDependency values[key] = fixtures[key] try: # try binding with new inputs bind = apply_partial( signature.bind, *args, signature=signature, partial_dict=values, **kwargs, ) except TypeError: msg = ( f"{args} and {kwargs} are not valid inputs for {self} " f"which expects a signature of {signature}" ) raise TypeError(msg) return bind def _check_inputs(self, _bound, *args, **kwargs): """ Ensure the inputs are of compatible types with the signature and get return type. """ check_type = self.get_option("check_type") sig = _bound.signature valid = valid_input(sig, *args, bound=_bound, check_type=check_type, **kwargs) if not valid: msg = ( f"{args} and {kwargs} are not valid inputs for {self} " f"which expects a signature of {sig}" ) raise TypeError(msg) return _get_return_type(_bound) def _check_outputs(self, out, out_type): """ if out is not None, check compatibility """ check_type = self.get_option("check_type") if out is None: # bail early on None (none always should work) return None if check_type and not compatible_instance(out, out_type): msg = ( f"task: {self} returned: {out} which is not consistent with " f"expected output type of: {out_type}" ) raise TypeError(msg) return out # --- callback stuff
[docs] def validate_callback(self, callback: Callable) -> None: """ Raise TypeError if callback is not a valid callback for this task. Parameters ---------- callback Any callable """ assert callable(callback) sig = spype.signature(callback) call_params = set(self.get_signature().parameters) supported = set(FIXTURE_NAMES) | call_params if not set(sig.parameters).issubset(supported): unsupported_parrams = set(sig.parameters) - FIXTURE_NAMES msg = ( f"{unsupported_parrams} are not a valid parameter names " f"for a task callback fixtures. Supported fixtures are: " f"{FIXTURE_NAMES} and call params are {call_params}" ) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def validate_callbacks(self) -> None: """ Iterate over all attached callbacks and raise TypeError if any problems are detected. """ for name in CALLBACK_NAMES: for cb in iterate(getattr(self, name, None)): self.validate_callback(cb)
# --- dunders @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Task subclasses must implement their own call methods. """ def __getattr__(self, item): # if the item is supported by _Task class return wrapped task if item in wrap.Wrap._wrap_funcs: return getattr(wrap.Wrap(self), item) else: raise AttributeError def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance" def __repr__(self): return str(self) # --- supported operators def __or__(self, other): return wrap.Wrap(self) | other def __lshift__(self, other): return wrap.Wrap(self).__lshift__(other) def __rshift__(self, other): return wrap.Wrap(self).__rshift__(other) # --- misc
[docs] def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "wrap.Wrap": """ Instantiate a Wrap instance from this task. Args and kwargs are passed to Wrap constructor. Returns ------- Wrap """ return wrap.Wrap(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Task": """ Return a deep copy of task. """ try: # if this is a function task return copy_func(self) except AttributeError: # else an class task return copy.deepcopy(self)
# --------------------------- Task decorator
[docs]def task( func: Optional[Callable] = None, *, on_start: Optional[callback_type] = None, on_failure: Optional[callback_type] = None, on_success: Optional[callback_type] = None, on_finish: Optional[callback_type] = None, predicate: Optional[predicate_type] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Task: """ Decorator for registering a callable as a tasks. This essentially adds the Task class attributes to a function and returns the function. This means the function will behave as before, but will have the Task class attributes attached. This approach is needed so that the tasks are pickable, else returning Task instances would work. Parameters ---------- func: A callable to use as a task on_start: Callable which is called before running task on_failure: Callable which will be called when a task fails on_success: Callable that gets called when a task succeeds on_finish: Callable that gets called whenever a task finishes Returns ------- Task An instance of Task """ # handle called decorator (ie no function passed yet) if func is None: locs = locals() locs.pop("func") return partial(task, **locs) for name, item in Task.__dict__.items(): if callable(item): setattr(func, name, item.__get__(func)) # binds functions to func # set all task class attributes of Task using func as self update_dict = { it: val for it, val in locals().items() if it != "func" and val is not None } func.__call__ = func func.signature = spype.signature(func) func.__dict__.update(update_dict) # add all attributes that return a wrapped task for item in wrap.Wrap._wrap_funcs: def _func(*args, item=item, **kwargs): wrap_ = wrap.Wrap(func) wrap_func = getattr(wrap_, item) return wrap_func(*args, **kwargs) setattr(func, item, _func) return func
# ---------------------------- special tasks
[docs]class PypeInput(Task): """ A singleton Task that is used, explicitly or implicitly, to begin each pype. """ singleton_instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # ensure singleton is instantiated if cls.singleton_instance is None: new = super().__new__(cls) cls.singleton_instance = new return cls.singleton_instance def __call__(self, *args): return args
pype_input = PypeInput()
[docs]class Forward(Task): """ A task for simply forwarding inputs to the next task. """ def __call__(self, *args): return args
forward = Forward() # --------------------------- misc functions def raise_exception(e): raise e