
Spype is a [s]imple [py]thon [p]ipelin[e] library.

It facilitates the creation of lightweight, expressive data pipelines.

Spype has three main design goals:

  • Independent

    Spype has no required dependencies. It does, however, require graphviz. for visualization and pytest for running the test suite.

  • Simple, Declarative API

    Spype provides an intuitive, declarative API for hooking together python callables in order to create arbitrarily complex data pipelines.

  • Disciplined

    Spype can (optionally) provide runtime type-checking and compatibility validation in order to help you find bugs faster, and give you more confidence in your data pipelines.

Liscence: BSD

WARNING: spype is brand new and experimental, dont use it in production until it matures a little, and expect frequent API changes.


Indices and tables